The game I will be reviewing is Sonic Unleashed. Sonic unleashed is an action adventure/ beat em up game that was released in 2008 on the Xbox 360,Playstation 3, Wii, and Playstation 2. I vaguely remember playing this game when I was a lot younger but I basically remembered nothing about it so it was like it was a blind playthrough. Although I havent fully completed the game and am still currently playing it on the Xbox One X via backwards compatibility, I believe I can make a decent review of it.
So firstly, I want to talk about the visuals. The games graphics are downright beautiful, the rendered cutscenes are perfect and uses lights perfectly, by that I mean when the cutscenes are supposed to be fast paced and exciting the game will have vibrant colors used in the cutscene which makes them so much better. Not only that but, on every level the game looks clean and crisp to the point where you forget it was made in 2008. The animations in the cutscenes look good and well made. Also, in the game each new area you unlock feels like a whole new world with fun new missions and beautiful visuals.
Now gameplay wise it's a little more unique to your average sonic games. In Sonic Unleashed there is a new game mechanic where sonic turns into a werewolf when it turns nighttime and it turns into a beat em up kind of game where you fight hordes of enemies to get to the next part of the stage. And I absolutely enjoy this new mechanic in this sonic game, it brings a new element to the original sonic game blueprint. Of course there's still the normal sonic type stages where you speed through the stages at faster than light speeds and running through enemies in your path. However, the werehog stages are a breath of fresh air and provide a new outlook on this sonic game as a whole. Although, I do have a slight problem with the drifting in the game on the regular sonic stages. To go more in depth , when you would try and drift on sharp turns it would launch you too far forward to the point where you would slide completely off the stage and die. The last gameplay mechanic that I want to talk about is the upgrade system. Throughout the game at the end of every stage you get a screen where you can upgrade regular sonics speed and boost bar, and werehog sonics health, damage, unlock more combos, and more. I like this mechanic because not only does it reward the player on a job well done on the level, but it also makes the harder stages down the road a lot easier to deal with.
Another part of the game that I very much enjoyed was the music. The music team for this game did a splendid job creating songs that fit with the stage or what was happening in a certain scene. Songs that I really enjoyed so far are as follows:Spagonia (Night and day), Holoska(Night and Day), Aptos(Night and Day), Windmill isle(Day and Night) and much much more. The music in every scene really helps me feel the emotion that’s supposed to be felt in said scenes, so overall I really enjoyed the music in the game so far.